We Never Graduate From Needing Feedback
The world needs leaders who are humbled by the sheer complexity of the issues they need to resolve and the ambiguity of the problems they need to confront.
We need modern leaders how value feedback and know they will always need to work at being the best leaders they can be.
Modern, self-aware leaders don’t just seek feedback from those who are likely to tell us what we want to hear. We find those who are prepared to be candid in a compassionate way and who have our best interests at heart.
“Good 1:1 meetings with your manager are critical for your success and… can have a huge impact on your work experience - helping you stay engaged, developing you understanding of your role and place in the organisation and improving your relationship with your manager - not to mention enhancing your well-being.”
- Steven G. Rogelberg, Liana Kreamer and Cydnei Meredith in their Harvard Business Review article on Questions to ask your boss in your One-to-Ones
Who is someone you can seek out actionable feedback from this week?
You can read more in my latest book, Head & Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership, which is available everywhere.
You can also follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram where I tend to be the most active. See you there!