Being vulnerable helps build strong, meaningful relationships with the people around us. Sharing our imperfections, the things we don’t know and the mistakes we have made will help to build connections with the people we lead.
When you are prepared to be vulnerable you show those you lead that you are not perfect; you do not even aspire to perfection.
While as leaders we may know we are not perfect, unconsciously we can still put on a mask of perfection. We are fearful of showing our true selves in case the people we lead feel less confident in our abilities or lose respect for us.
Having the humility and courage to be vulnerable means you can lead with greater authenticity. You will bring a wider appreciation of different perspectives, celebrate others’ uniqueness, avoid fixed ways of doing things and weigh up alternatives beyond what personal interest may dictate.
"The most effective leadership today — at all levels — isn’t about technical expertise and having all the answers. Besides articulating a compelling vision, it’s about being human, showing vulnerability, connecting with people, and being able to unleash their potential."
- Hortense le Gentil in her article in the Harvard Business Review
How can build connection with your team today?
You can read more in my latest book, Head & Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership, which is available everywhere.
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