How To Invest In Your Team Early
Most organisations wait far too long to invest in developing the leaders in their businesses. On average, it is not until someone has been in a supervisory or leadership role for 13 years that they are offered leadership training.
This means that often the most powerful leadership training and coaching is reserved for the most senior, formal leaders who are already well into their careers.
If we accept everyone is a leader in their role, regardless of their formal title, it is important that we equip everyone not just with the expertise and ability to lead with their head and undertake the technical parts of their role, but also coach them to have the confidence to lead with the heart, right from the start of their careers.
"Just as great athletes seek out great coaches, the best people want to work for leaders who coach them to reach their full potential and who will help them become better coaches themselves."
- Bill George and Zach Clayton in the Harvard Business Review Article ‘Successful Leaders are Great Coaches’
What is something you can do to coach junior team members this week?
You can read more in my latest book, Head & Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership, which is available everywhere.
You can also follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram where I tend to be the most active. See you there!