Be A Champion For Curiosity
For modern leaders, curiosity means having a genuine thirst for filling gaps in our knowledge. As curious leaders we acknowledge and accept that we do not know everything. We seek to learn, to challenge assumptions and rethinking what we thought we knew.
Being curious doesn’t mean you necessarily will change your mind, but it does mean being willing to do so if the facts present in a different way to what you expected.
Curiosity helps us become flexible leaders able to meet the dynamic nature of a fast-moving world. When our curiosity is activated, we think more deeply and rationally about decisions. When we are curious, we can approach tough situations more creatively and perform better.
“More than intelligence, persistence, or connections, curiosity has allowed me to live the life I have wanted to live. Being curious infuses everything with a sense of possibility.”
- Brian Grazer, Academy Award-winning film producer quoted in Head & Heart; The Art of Modern Leadership
What has sparked your curiosity this week?
You can read more in my latest book, Head & Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership, which is available everywhere.
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